Still testing out the camera I decided to get up close and personal with my bike's tire. I didn't even notice the spider web on it until I saw the picture.
The journey begins. These are some of the first pictures I took with my new camera. They are just a few things from around the house. My remote control. A plant. A bike tire. etc. I'm happy with the camera so far.
I started this blog when I got a new camera to showcase my pictures. But I adopted a Shiba Inu from the SPCA on Sunday Jan 23, 2011 and I think most photos will now be devoted to him. I had been looking for a Shiba Inu and Boyah finally showed up on the website. He was an owner surrender. The previous owners were leaving the country and couldn’t take the dog with them. They were also Russian and only spoke Russian-–even came in to surrender it with a translator. Consequently, Boyah, which I’m told means Boy or dog in Russian, I can’t remember which now, only speaks Russian! Only me.